Volunteer Stories

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Hear from our volunteers

“I just started my Masters in International Development. I volunteered with Azadi for 6 months and it has been an amazing experience. I got to learn so much about fundraising, media interactions and storytelling. I loved the fact that the Azadi team is really decentralized and receptive of new ideas by its volunteers and interns. I am truly grateful for this experience!!”



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Hear from our volunteers

“I have always been passionate about working towards a gender-equal world, and I’m a big feminist. Working with Azadi has been a wonderful way for me to do meaningful work, and help make an actual change. I am grateful that I am not only spreading awareness, but contributing to changing the real lives of women through my work with Azadi.”


16 , India

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Hear from our volunteers

“The Azadi Project is doing such meaningful and impactful work, and it has been an honor to be able to contribute to their efforts. Volunteering with The Azadi Project gave me a new perspective on the importance of refugee storytelling, which is something I will carry with me in my personal, academic, and professional life.”


20, USA

Hear from our volunteers

“The Azadi Project gave me an opportunity to learn more about the plight of the refugees around the world, especially women and girls. With the number of refugees seeing an uptick over the years, it is of immense significance that the voices of the refugees and those who wish to help them are heard and accentuated. Volunteering with The Azadi Project helped me to do my little bit, with a lot more work still to be done.”


36, India

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