The Azadi Project

Azadi Leadership Program

Supported by Libra Philanthropies

The Azadi Leadership Program was launched in early 2023 by The Azadi Project in partnership with Libra Group Social Responsibility. The Program aims to provide employability and leadership skills to women and youth from refugee and marginalized communities who face intersectional biases and be a career springboard by providing them with internship/employment opportunities in the industry of their choice. Over the years, the program hopes to contribute to having a higher representation of women in the global workforce while nurturing them to become community leaders who inspire and encourage more participation of marginalized women and youth in the skilled labor workforce in India. 

The Azadi Leadership Program has three focus areas – employability skills, leadership skills, and Internship opportunities. The Azadi Leaders are being trained by experts and industry leaders. Currently, they’re working on individual social projects as part of the program to create a sustainable impact in their communities. Towards the end of the program, each leader will get to work on a professional affiliation/internship with corporate, non-profit, and public sector organizations. The on-the-job experience provides training, mentorship, and support to each participant including a stipend.

Meet the Azadi Leaders: 

Sessions with experts and Industry visits: 

Community Projects

All the leaders initiated and undertook community projects in their areas of interests. This included menstrual hygiene awareness for women, adolescents and children, sexual harassment awareness in educational institutes, and, mental health support for members of the queer community. 

Beneficiaries impacted across projects
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